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As we move closer to 2024, it’s becoming increasingly clear that some prominent marketing trends may not stand the test of time. HubSpot’s comprehensive research, combined with insights from industry experts, shines a light on these fragile trends. This article will explore why certain marketing strategies might fall by the wayside, offering a detailed analysis of the potential shifts and the factors driving them.

1. Interruption-Based Advertising

Современный офис с видом на город, компьютеры с графиками на экранах.

Interruption-based advertising, which forces ads onto consumers whether they like it or not, has been a staple for many years. However, with advancements in ad-blocking technologies and increasing backlash from consumers, its future looks bleak. Modern consumers crave personalized content and are quick to dismiss generic ads that interrupt their online experiences.

Research indicates that users find these ads intrusive and often irrelevant. As such, brands are shifting towards more user-friendly advertising methodologies, focusing on content marketing and native advertising. This trend is not just a preference but a necessity to maintain customer loyalty and engagement in a digital age where patience is wearing thin.

2. Over-Personalization of Content

Бизнес-презентация в конференц-зале с использованием графиков на больших экранах.

While personalization has been a buzzword in marketing circles, there is growing concern about over-personalization. Consumers are wary of brands that appear to know too much about them, inferring an invasion of privacy. HubSpot’s research shows a significant spike in consumer apprehension toward brands that leverage too much personal data.

Moving forward, marketers may need to strike a balance. Transparency in data usage and focusing on security will be pivotal. It’s probable that brands will start dialing down ultra-personalized campaigns and instead, focus on segmented marketing that respects consumers’ boundary for privacy.

3. Influencer Marketing Saturation

Influencer marketing has seen exponential growth over the past few years. However, the market’s saturation is causing diminishing returns. As the number of influencers rises, their authenticity is questioned, and the audience’s trust wanes. HubSpot’s latest findings indicate that audiences are beginning to see through inauthentic promotions, leading to a drop in engagement.

Brands might need to re-think their influencer strategies by partnering with micro-influencers who offer niche audiences and higher engagement rates. Quality over quantity, verifiable metrics, and genuine connections will be the name of the game in 2024.

4. Social Media Automation Overuse

Уютный рабочий кабинет с множеством растений и книг на деревянных полках.

Automation tools for social media can save time and streamline processes. However, the overuse of automation has resulted in robotic interactions devoid of human touch. Consumers increasingly value authentic engagement, which automated responses fail to deliver.

According to experts, in 2024, we can expect a shift towards more organic and genuine social media interactions. Brands will likely reduce their reliance on automated tools and invest more in human-centered interactions. This change is necessary to foster deeper connections with their audience and maintain authenticity.

5. Overreliance on Third-Party Cookies

For years, third-party cookies have been the backbone of digital advertising. However, with growing privacy concerns and tighter regulations, their days are numbered. Major browsers like Chrome have already announced plans to phase out third-party cookies by 2023, indicating a significant shift in how online tracking and advertising are carried out.

Marketers will need to adapt by focusing on first-party data collection and innovative tracking methodologies. Building trust through direct customer interactions and consent-based data collection will become crucial strategies. Here are some steps they might take:

  1. Developing more robust customer relationship management (CRM) systems.
  2. Leveraging zero-party data, which consumers willingly share during their direct interactions with brands.
  3. Enhancing the overall user experience to encourage more direct engagements.


As the marketing landscape evolves, it’s essential for brands to stay ahead of the curve and reconsider the longevity of their strategies. Interruption-based advertising, over-personalization, oversaturation of influencer marketing, excessive social media automation, and reliance on third-party cookies are trends that might not survive into 2024. Brands that pivot towards more authentic, transparent, and consumer-friendly approaches will be better positioned for success in the years to come.


1. Why is interruption-based advertising on the decline?

Interruption-based advertising is on the decline due to consumer backlash and the widespread use of ad-blockers. Consumers prefer personalized and non-intrusive ads that add value to their experience.

2. What is over-personalization in marketing?

Over-personalization in marketing refers to the excessive use of personal data to target consumers, which can lead to invasions of privacy and discomfort among customers.

3. How can brands utilize influencers effectively in 2024?

Brands can utilize influencers effectively by partnering with micro-influencers who have niche, engaged audiences. Focusing on authenticity and genuine connections will yield better results.

4. Why is social media automation being reconsidered?

Social media automation is being reconsidered because it often lacks the human touch and genuine engagement that consumers value. More organic interactions are expected to foster better connections.

5. What are third-party cookies and why are they being phased out?

Third-party cookies are used for tracking users across websites for targeted advertising. They are being phased out due to privacy concerns and stricter regulations to protect consumer data.

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